
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Saint Augustine (354 – 430)

Journeys are getting shorter, reasons for travel and activities are becoming more differentiated and more personalized, sources of information online as well as offline are nearly unmanageable, distribution channels are becoming more complex and every guest has special desires and requirements which should be met on journeys.

Tourism stakeholders in rural or urban top destinations are presumed to find new clients and retain regular customers easily. Service providers, tourism organizations, politics, and interest groups in B or C destinations are often confronted with great challenges to assert themselves in the highly competitive tourism market.

Regardless of the issue which potentials a tourism service provider, a location, or an entire touristic destination has: They all need to be found easily, they need to be visible, predictable, and perceptible in various facets.

Marketing companies, sales organizations, politics, and associations as well as service providers look for impulses, ideas, benchmarks, strategies, concepts, coaching, and support – and, above all: honest, individualized, and good work. Whether touristic masterplans, marketing concepts, product development, organizational consulting, feasibility analyses, or operative sales are concerned: the aspects of nature and landscape – infrastructure – product – communication – sales and performance analyses have to be brought into accordance with the guests’ requirements and needs, and the possibilities and opportunities of the tourism partner in a long-term and future-oriented fashion.

LEO-Impact and the tourism industry

Together with our clients – touristic locations and destinations, service providers, politics, associations, and administrations – we search for solutions in an authentic, goal-oriented, and professional manner. Consulting, developing, and enacting: We offer the survey and analysis of figures, data, and facts, analyses of initial situations, benchmarks and competitive situations. Aspects of our touristic consultations are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analyses (SWOT), development of goals, mission statements and positioning including the development of strategies and drafting of specific implementation-oriented measures, which are compiled in workshops and presented to appeal to the public image.

We are particularly passionate about the practical cooperation with our clients in sales marketing: Development of specific sales measures including their implementation, e. g. composition of tips for tours and travel components for travel agencies, trade fair representation, production sales guide, provision of sales visits and sales calls, preparation of newsletters for the tourism industry, conception and support of FAM-trips, database management, online-sales as well as employee training in service, including personnel development.

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