Other sectors
Financial investors are looking for due diligence know-how with case-by-case industry expertise, banks recommend us as experts in restructuring and reorganisation with expertise in IDW S 6 reports and knowledge of current standards of the Federal Court of Justice for going concern forecasts, HR managers and training academies rely on rhetorical and content expertise in industry and risk management topics for companies and real estate, SMEs are looking for financing, entrepreneurs organise internal or external succession planning.
LEO-Impact in other industries
In some industries and for some business models, such as specialised and general publishers, e-commerce, software, building materials and mechanical engineering, wholesale, plant construction and shipbuilding, assembling, real estate, metal and plastics processing, we have been able to help customers several times. In other sectors such as music software and hardware, refractories, green energy trading, photovoltaics, water analysis, high-temperature superconductors, railway sleepers, office container construction and many others, customers have placed their trust in our ability to quickly and intensively familiarise themselves with new topics and quickly deliver high added value.
We offer experience from over 400 consulting and management mandates in around 100 industries and business models.